Highland Service Screenshot

The Breakdown: The Original Highland Service

When I was first formally introduced to HTML, CSS, and JS. I was told to practice as much as possible. Sadly I did not listen much. As I look back I always feel like in certain points in my life I find myself in love with development but then I become discouraged. I push all projects aside and procrastinate. One of the few projects I created outside from school was Highland Service.

For years my father was using a Weebly site to promote his business online. While the site did not provide much traffic, the site tried to provide people with useful links and online tools that could ease the process of preparing for automobile repairs.

After my father stopped paying for the site, its creator took the site down for some time. I am not sure when but eventually she put it back online without the original URL.

When 2015 arrived, two years had passed since taking my first web development class. Once again my procrastination had gotten the better of me. My lack of projects influenced me to recreate my father’s Wix site. I was also influenced to use an auto repair shop as a theme because this was around summer time, which is when I would work with my father as the Assistant to the Main Mechanic.

The site had allowed me to relearn basic JavaScript. Two things I remember learning from this project was how to get HTML elements based off the name of their ID with the getElementById method and how functions could be activated with the onClick event.

Looking back at this project. Some simple text and padding would have made a simple but more complete project.

More information about highland service can be found on Yelp.

Find my other live websites here!


  1. […] so happens that my dad is a mechanic and one of my first websites was Highland Station. Therefore is was motivated even more to establish a foundation for myself to WordPress and a good […]

  2. gate.io says:

    Reading your article helped me a lot and I agree with you

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